Thursday, January 30, 2020
Peace order in country Essay Example for Free
Peace order in country Essay There are three types of peace orders: Interim peace orders. If you wish to file for a peace order but the district court clerk’s office is closed, you can file for an interim order by going to the nearest District Court commissioner. If the commissioner believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue an interim peace order.* An interim peace order goes into effect once the respondent is served by a law enforcement officer. *1 The interim peace order lasts until a judge holds a temporary peace order hearing or until the end of the second business day that the court clerk’s office is open after the interim peace order is issued, whichever comes sooner. If the court is closed on the day on which the interim peace order is due to expire, the interim peace order will be effective until the next day on which the court is open, at which time the court shall hold a temporary peace order hearing.*2 The interim peace order has to include the date for the temporary peace order hearing, and a tentative date for the final peace order hearing.*3 Note: Even if you are denied an interim peace order, you can still apply for a temporary or final peace order.*4 Temporary peace orders. When you go to court during normal court hours to file for a final peace order, you can ask for a temporary peace order, which can be issued the same day. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a temporary peace order. This order can be issued with or without the abuser present.*5 The order is effective when it is served.*6 The temporary order is in effect for up to 7 days after service of the order unless the court is closed on the day on which the temporary peace order is due to expire. In that case, the temporary peace order shall be effective until the second day on which the court is open, by which time the court should hold a final peace order hearing. However, the judge may extend the temporary order to allow for service of the order or for another good reason, but not to more than 30 days.*7 Note: If the respondent is at the hearing, the judge may go ahead and hold a hearing for a final peace order instead of a temporary one if you and the respondent agree to this.*8 Final peace orders. The respondent has the opportunity to be present at the final peace order hearing. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a final peace order, which can last for up to 6 months.*9 As of October 2011, peace orders can be extended.*10 See Can I modify, cancel or extend my peace order? for more information.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Media’s Influence on Adolescent Body Image Essay -- Adolescent Behavio
Today’s society is a consumers’ society in which trying to obtain perfection is one of the fastest selling businesses (DeLaMater Pg. 12). Mass media, advertising, and fashion industries are being accused of feeding off females dissatisfaction with their bodies by portraying unhealthy thin role models in order to sell their products. This unachievable physique and lifestyle has led today’s adolescence down a dark path of such extreme eating disorders as anorexia and bulimia. Although it may sound nice to be societies perception of thin, there are consequences to these eating disorders such as cardiac failure that lead to horrifying defects or even death. In the 1950s, models such as Marilyn Monroe or Zhazha Gabor didn’t suffer from a lack of beauty due to a voluptuous figure. Then starting in 1960’s the ideal body has become more slim and slender. Twiggy had become a singer, actress, and a fashion icon during the 1960’s when she became the face of the fashion industry. Twiggy began to starve herself in order to become more â€Å"beautiful†. In addition to having such an influence on fashion, â€Å"Twiggy [had] also changed the way that women thought about their [own] bodies,†(Rosenzweig et al. Pg.62). Women of the 1960s and today have struggled to attain this slender body such as Twiggy's, sometimes going to extreme lengths to do so. Although some of these role models might actually obtain these thin bodies through strenuous workouts and healthy diets, there are a huge number of them, such as Twiggy, that obtained them through extreme dieting. Frightened and inspired by these role models, overweigh t and even teenagers that are healthy according to their BMI (Body Mass Index) continue with strict dieting and exercise regimens. An Article... ...en death associated with eating disorders." Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research 7.1 (2010): 1. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. Mehler, Philip S., and Mori Krantz. "Anorexia Nervosa Medical Issues." Journal of Women's Health (15409996) 12.4 (2003): 331. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. (331-340) Morris, Anne, Katzman Debra. â€Å"The Impact of the Media on Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents.†Paediatrics & Child Health (2003) 287-289. Pulsis Group Inc. Web. 18 March 2011. Rosenzweig, Marianne, and Jean Spruill. "Twenty Years After Twiggy: A Retrospective Investigation of Bulimic-Like Behaviors." International Journal of Eating Disorders 6.1 (1987): 59-65. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. Winston, A. P., and P. J. Stafford. "Cardiovascular effects of anorexia nervosa." European Eating Disorders Review 8.2 (2000): 117-125. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Movies and Television Shows Should Include Better Role Models for Their Audiences Essay
I’m sure it has happened plenty of times. When you finish watching a movie and afterwards feel so inspired. This is often when the movie hero was presented as someone we would like to be or has a personality that we admire. Sometimes it can be other characters that are shown to be â€Å"cool†, attractive, and popular that also inspires us to mimic their personality traits. Movies can also prompt us to try certain activities. Of course this can be seen as the beneficial side of media; the fact that there could be that one movie that has the power to influence someone to become a better person. But like almost everything, there’s a downside to it too. The fact that media can be convincing in positive ways suggests that it can equally convey negative messages as well. The way that movies or television shows portray their characters is something that definitely needs to be paid attention to. The rebellious heroes, senseless social statuses, and unhealthy activities characters engage in are all factors that will influence the audience. Therefore it is important to consider whether it is worth presenting the characters in this way. A large majority of movies are presenting their characters as bad people, yet the people that anyone would find themselves wanting to be. I believe that is wrong, thus movies and TV shows should include better role models for their audiences. Current movies portray violence without consequence, inaccurate representations of social statuses and social interaction, and encourage characters to engage in activities with more harm than good. Many of the heroes in movies happen to be quite rebellious and are often involved in violence. It’s usually the fact that they’re so involved in violence that helps them obtain their cool, heroic status. The characters we see as role models are always showing that violence can be used as a quick fix for conflicts to avoid negative consequences. K. A. Earles states, â€Å"This depiction of violence increases the probability that violence will be one of the first strategies chosen by a child. †Bandura, a professor in psychology at Stanford University demonstrated that preschoolers learn aggressive behavior by watching television. Three groups of children were shown a film n which a man commands a human-sized doll to move, and when it did not he hit the doll with his fists, a mallet, and then rubber balls. In other words, he used violence as an immediate strategy. Group one saw the man rewarded. Group two saw the episode end without reward or punishment. Group three saw the actor receive a verbal lecture. After watching the film, the children in groups one a nd two were seen to behave more aggressively than the ones in group three. This proves that the consequences characters find themselves facing has quite a strong impact on how the audience will act. What encourages violence even more is that it is often carried out by the hero in the story line who is then rewarded for his/her endorsement in violence. â€Å"Such constant exposure to portrayals of physical violence, some of which viewers do not even recognize as violent, may dull a child’s aversion to this behavior. †says K. A. Earles. Reenactments of national worldwide disasters such as terrorism scenes or brutal wars are one thing. But for a fictional superhero to battle and beat his â€Å"enemies†with realistic and bloody dramatizations is not a good way to entertain kids. There aren’t many positive or useful characteristics of the role model heroes for the children to gain besides their â€Å"charismatic†and â€Å"brave†personalities but they express these lovely character traits through violence. They care for the ones who are in danger so they save them with violence. As they stand up to their enemy and begin to battle them they show out their bravery. These heroes are showing young boys that if you are not strong enough, not brave enough to endorse in a physical fight then you are not capable to be someone as amazing and powerful as they are. Physical strength is spotlighted while intellectual strength is forgotten. Sharon Lamb, a professor of mental health at University of Massachusetts-Boston surveyed 674 boys aged 4 to 18 to analyze marketing trends for action figures and movies. This resulted in violence, emotional aloofness, and general hyper-masculinity being the main messages directors of these movies are promoting to young boys. This shows us that there aren’t many useful or healthy things these movies are promoting to their audiences. This only leads me to conclude that directors need to think over the way they are presenting their heroes. Violence is not the only existing strategy. As well as action movies, there are the modern teenage soap operas. I’ve noticed that these programs have a distorted portrayal of the theoretically existing teenage social statuses. There are always the good people and the bad people, the â€Å"cool†people and the â€Å"lame†ones. Although most television programs are to entertain, having a message or lesson for the audience to gain is also important. As mentioned earlier, the way the characters are portrayed is very significant to the audience since they are what influence the audience. There are the more obvious heroes which are the supermen in action movies but the less spotlighted ones in calmer, closer-to-reality programs. In these kinds of films, the â€Å"hero†would be a character the audience finds themselves admiring and looking up to. This depends on the way the characters in the film are presented. A person who our society would admire and want to be has very precise but general character traits; a confident, rich, bossy girl who has an attractive appearance and good leadership skills. It’s practically the same for boys. Society’s image of a picture perfect female or male is neglecting the many other personality traits of a human being that makes them a good and interesting person. Movies present the â€Å"popular guy†typically as someone who is necessarily good at sports for instance, and send the message to younger boys that if they are not good at sports they can’t expect to be at the top of the theoretical social scale regardless of other good qualities they can have. The same goes for girls. These films portray the â€Å"popular†girls as girls who are very narrowed down in their interests. Female adolescents are portrayed as being obsessed with their appearance. †Smart people are shown to be socially unaccepted. â€Å"Intellects are frequently viewed as social misfits. †These movies are encouraging and strengthening society’s distorted image of who the â€Å"popular†kids should be and contribute to a very inaccurate picture of what social interaction and social status is built on in reality. Young girls or boys may start to think that if they are not what the â€Å"cool kids†are presented as in movies, then they will not be successful or liked. This is definitely not the kind of message that should be sent to the younger generations. Lastly, quite a few of the activities characters in movies or TV shows engage in are not healthy and do not set good examples for young teens. The usage of alcohol and drugs is always by the cool, popular kids who will then convince the kids and teens a part of their audience to try them at one point. â€Å"Social Learning Theory suggests that children learn by watching, imitating, and assimilating. †This only proves that the majority of the children that are exposed to media that is practically encouraging alcohol and drug usage will most likely try it in attempt to imitate their role models. Movies propel the idea of these bad habits being â€Å"cool†. With teenagers picking up their first cigarette as early as 14 years of age, evidently there’s a problem. As many parents and adults may have noticed, kids/teens are beginning to have a distorted idea of what sex is all about and media may be the main cause for their way of thinking. Many movies and shows portray it as a normal thing to indulge in, therefore teens are enacting what they see from the media and often end up being pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. A study was done on 75 girls in which half were pregnant. It was found that the pregnant girls watched more soap operas than the non-pregnant girls and were found more surprised when told that their favorite soap opera characters used any sex protection. According to the National Survey of Children, males who watched more television were found to be more sexually active than the ones who watched less television. â€Å"Television may be a significant contributor to the sexual practices and attitudes of young people. †All of these things may be a part of a movie to show what it’s like out there but there must be some sort of proof of it being a bad thing to no give out the wrong message. Having characters in movies continuously smoking cigarettes and never even considering the consequences of having sex may influence kids in a completely wrong way. All of these reasons strongly suggest that the role models portrayed in movies and television shows can influence the younger audiences in negative ways. If teenagers are continuously exposed to such behaviors their minds will adjust to thinking in a certain way and no matter how hard their loved ones will afterwards try to convince them that these activities are wrong, that these behaviors are wrong, they will not be capable of changing their minds. Dear parents, are you okay with your 14 year old daughter already indulging in sexual activity, and your 15 year old son reacting violently and aggressively to any confrontations? Dear world, do you believe it’s acceptable for young girls to stress about their appearance and feel bad about themselves simply because of the way they look? For boys to believe that sports are what they are bound to engage in to be liked? Directors of movies should start to think how to get society to think differently, rather than encourage its shallow beliefs. Fighting scenes should not be the only entertaining scenes for kids. More creative ways of how to entertain children in a positive way could be thought of. The modern teenage popular kids should all have different interests and be liked for who they are and not what they look like. Pathetic assumptions and senseless social statuses in general should be presented in a brighter way in programs. Unhealthy activities should be portrayed as the bad things to do rather than the â€Å"cool†things. Kids will follow their role models, and if they’re role models are doing good things, it’s likely they will too.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Criminal Profiling Real Science of Just Wishful Thinking...
Criminal profiling is an investigative technique used by many law enforcement agencies notably the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the analysis of elusive criminals through studying their criminal profiles. Profiling is usually done on basis of the type and nature of crime. Usually studies are conducted as to the offenders whereabouts and occupation before, during and after a particular crime was committed. After this, evidence is then combined against the different types of personalities and a fitting description of the criminal is able to be formulated. However, it is important to note that in any criminal profiling attempt, the criminal psychological mind must be described fully by their actions during and after the crime. For†¦show more content†¦If asked the same question, I would perhaps reply by insinuating that while it may actually be luck profiling really helps in the narrowing down of the list of possible offenders and thus in my opinion it is quite effec tive. The purpose of this paper is thus to analyze in detail, whether or not criminal profiling is beneficial or is it just real science of wishful thinking? How effective is Criminal Profiling in the Solving of Crimes? Many critics of criminal profiling presume that criminal profiles are usually too big to create the desired picture and that it takes a little more than common sense to successfully profile a criminal. If we are to acknowledge that profiling is a science, then it is only so because psychology as a science comes into focus in the solving of crimes. It is and has been proven possible, that the psychological study of people helps in the determination of their behavioral dispositions accurately. Going from this statement, it is thus of importance to realize the fact that criminal profiling is a major asset to many law enforcement agencies as some crimes are just not ordinary, and require specific studies into their nature for a proper profile to be acquired. It should be noted that normal police investigations depend largely on the criminal’s motif. So what happens if there is no motifShow MoreRelatedCrimnal Profiling, Science or Not?1847 Words  | 8 Pagesin â€Å"Criminal Profiling: Science or Not†Jennifer Dean Forensic Psychology Tcherni November 2012 The FBI officially began criminal profiling in 1970; the profiling program was introduced by Howard Teton. However, this is not where criminal profiling began. The first verified introductions to profiling were demonization of the Jews, witches and puritans; some dating back to 1144. (Turvey 2011) Criminal profiling is the tool of investigation used by skilled law enforcement professionals
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