Friday, August 28, 2020
A Systematic Review of Business Incubation Research free essay sample
This article efficiently audits the writing on business hatcheries and business brooding. Concentrating on the essential examination orientationsâ€i. e. considers focusing on hatchery advancement, hatchery con? gurations, incubatee improvement, hatchery brooding effects, and hypothesizing about hatcheries incubationâ€problems with surviving examination are dissected and open doors for future exploration are identi? ed. From our survey, plainly research has quite recently started to start to expose the hatchery brooding marvel. While much consideration has been given to the depiction of hatchery offices, less consideration has been centered around the incubatees, the advancements they look to diffuse, and the brooding results that have been accomplished. As enthusiasm for the hatchery brooding idea keeps on developing, new examination endeavors should concentrate not just on these under-investigated units of examination, yet in addition on the hatching procedure itself. JEL Classi? cation: M13, O2, O31, O32, O38 1. Presentation Incubator-brooding examination started vigorously in 1984 with the declaration of the consequences of Business Incubator Pro? es: A National Survey (Temali and Campbell, 1984). Underscoring the energy of early analysts, just three years went before two writing surveys were created (I. e. , Campbell and Allen, 1987; Kuratko and LaFollette, 1987). Be that as it may, since these early endeavors to orchestrate and dissect the condition of hatchery brooding science, and notwithstanding the way that the collection of examination has developed significantly 1 Vanderbilt University Management of Technology Program Box 1518, Station B, Nashville, TN 37235 USA E-mail: sean. m. [emailprotected] vanderbilt. du 2 Vanderbilt University Management of Technology Program Box 1518, Station B, Nashville, TN 37235 USA E-mail: david. m. [emailprotected] edu in the interceding years, a precise survey of the writing remains obviously missing. The essential destinations of this article are to methodicallly survey the hatchery brooding writing and to give guidance for productive future examination. Eventually 38 examinations were remembered for our audit. We remembered an investigation for our audit in the event that it saw the hatchery as an endeavor that encourages the beginning period improvement of ? ms by giving of? ce space, sharedservices and business help. While analyzing the writing sequentially, ? ve essential exploration directions are obvious: hatchery advancement considers, hatchery con? guration considers, incubatee improvement examines, hatchery brooding effect studies, and studies that speculate about hatcheries brooding. While these directions are not really symmetrical, we utilize them as classi? cations of accommodation that we expectation will encourage a conversation of the writing. We have restricted the audit in a few different ways. In the first place, we con? ne our inclusion of the writing to contemplates gave unequivocally to hatcheries as well as brooding. Despite the fact that the locus of the incubatorincubation idea is the nexus of powers including new pursuit arrangement and advancement, new item conceptualization and improvement, and business help (every one of which has a set up collection of exploration), to grow the extent of the audit past examination unequivocally centered around hatcheries brooding would make this examination venture difficult to finish on an opportune premise. Second, in spite of the fact that specialist writing has in? uenced scholarly exploration, we focus our audit on the scholastic writing, with the exception of in situations where the professional writing has demonstrated particularly in? uential and has some natural scholarly face legitimacy. Third, in light of our drawn out examination interests, we chose writing that conceptualizes hatcheries brooding as a methodology Journal of Technology Transfer, 29, 55â€82, 2004 # 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Made in The Netherlands. 56 Hackett and Dilts or encouraging new business improvement instead of as a technique for growing land. While this audit is basically expected for specialists who are thinking about potential examination subjects, we likewise accept that it will be useful to brooding industry partners who are keen on understanding the epistemological development of the hatchery hatching idea. Our commitment is a combination and examination of ideas, exact ? ndings, and issu es identified with surviving hatchery brooding examination, just as an identi? ation of possible territories for future examination. In this segment, we have noticed the requirement for an efficient survey of the writing, gave a working de? nition of the hatchery brooding idea, and delimited the extent of our survey. The rest of the article is composed in the accompanying way. In the first place, we portray the philosophy we utilized in distinguishing and choosing articles for audit. Second, we give a conventional de? nition of the hatchery brooding idea, place hatchery brooding writing in its recorded setting and survey the examination along the ? e essential examination directions portrayed previously. Third, we recognize a few difficulties inside surviving research and propose new roads for future exploration. Speci? cally, we note the requirement for future exploration to address the absence of intermingling in the terms and ideas of talk identified with hatcheries brooding, the absence of hypothetically significant hatchery classi? cations, the absence of a business brooding procedure model, and the longstand ing difficulties in the de? nition and estimation of hatchery incubatee ‘‘success’’. We close by stressing the need to distinguish and unload the factors of business hatching with a view toward creating hypotheses that help to clarify how and why the brooding procedure prompts speci? c brooding results. 2. Approach for distinguishing articles for survey To recognize the number of inhabitants in distributions for audit, we led an electronic diary database search of ProQuest-ABI/Inform, Science Direct and UMI Dissertation Abstracts utilizing the inquiry terms ‘‘incubator’’ and ‘‘incubation’’. Our goal was to lead a statistics of all distributed esearch on hatcheries brooding written in English among 1984 and mid 2002. In the wake of distinguishing and recovering all articles documented electronically in the databases identi? ed above, we read the book indices of these articles to distinguish different articles on hatcheries brooding distributed preceding electronic filing or not filed in the electronic databases, and accordingly recovered those articles. We investigated those articles’ lists of sources and found at this point more articles managing different parts of hatcheries brooding and rehashed the way toward recovering articles and perusing the book indices. Sensibly con? scratch that every single surviving article on hatcheries brooding had been identi? ed and recovered, we at that point checked the entirety of the recovered articles against a book reference made by the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) in 2001 that rundowns all (peer-looked into, non-peer investigated and well known press) articles identified with brooding so as to guarantee as well as could be expected that the whole populace of articles on hatcheries hatching had been gathered. The articles considered for survey show up in the accompanying diaries: American Journal of Small Business, Economic Development Quarterly, Economic Development Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Property Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Policy Studies Journal, Public Administration Quarterly, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Technology Management, and Technovation. At last 35 articles (26 experimental examinations and nine non-exact investigations), two papers and one national overview were remembered for this writing survey (a total posting of the investigations checked on is remembered for Appendix A). The dissemination of articles among diaries was exceptionally slanted toward diaries with a financial improvement viewpoint: Six articles showed up in Economic Development Quarterly and another four articles showed up in Economic Development Review. Considering the high number of frequently refered to distributions showing up in these two periodicals, unmistakably the monetary improvement point of view has in? enced the ? eld of distributed business hatching considers. A Systematic Review of Business Incubation Research 57 The total appropriation of examination points of view applied to business brooding investigations is itemized in Appendix B. 3. Essential exploration directions In this segment, we offer a proper de? nition of the hatchery brooding idea. Next we brie? y portray the verifiable setting in the United States in which hatchery brooding exploration has advanced. At that point we survey the writing, utilizing the ? ve essential examination directions referenced above as our sorting out rule. When announcing key ? ndings of each exploration direction, we separate the outcomes dependent on their importance to three distinct units of examination: network, hatchery, or incubatee. Figure 1. Hatchery brooding idea map. graphically delineates the hatchery brooding idea de? ned here. What is the hatchery brooding idea? In view of bits of knowledge gathered from checking on the writing just as from directing ? eldwork in Asia and North America, we offer the accompanying de? nition: A business hatchery is a common of? cespace office that looks to give its incubatees (I. . ‘‘portfolio-’’ or ‘‘client-’’ or ‘‘tenant-companies’’) with a key, esteem including mediation framework (I. e. business hatching) of observing and business assista
Saturday, August 22, 2020
5 aspect to create a sustainable, positive atmosphere in your classroom free essay sample
The job of Art Education and the results of Quality Program The basic results which structure the premise of our training framework are wide, nonexclusive cross-curricular results which cling to Constitution and have been received by SAQA. These results will guarantee that students gain abilities, information and qualities that will permit them to add to their own prosperity just as the achievement of their families and networks. The key thoughts that outline the significance of these results incorporate dominance of activity, for example, Identifying and tackling of issues Working successfully with others Organizing and overseeing oneself Collecting, dissecting and basically assessment of data Communicate adequately Being socially and stylishly touchy Developing enterprising aptitudes These results essentially allude to particulars of what realizes ought to have the option to do toward the finish of the learning experience. By being presented to workmanship, the kid figures out how to build up the accompanying aptitudes: Academic accomplishment Inclusion in human expressions can help youngsters effectively take part in learning, comprehend the ideas being instructed, grow profound understandings in whatever subject is being instructed, and to communicate their understandings in various manners. Standard inclusion in expressions of the human experience builds up the higher request aptitudes of investigation, combination and assessment, just as basic reasoning, critical thinking and dynamic abilities. Research likewise shows that continued quality commitment in expressions of the human experience upgrades children’s education and numeracy abilities, particularly those kids from impeded foundations. Regard for themselves as well as other people Through contribution in quality expressions programs, youngsters can interface and sympathize with others as they comprehend and value their societies, conventions and images. Expressions of the human experience are a method of changing children’s observations and generalizations of individuals who are not quite the same as them as they are presented to various social orders and societies through their specialties. They figure out how to regard and value the distinctions and become increasingly open minded of others, just as tolerating and regarding their own way of life. Preparing and Life aptitudes Australian reports into employability of youngsters propose that to prevail in the work environment in the 21st century, youngsters should have the option to gather, investigate and sort out data, convey thoughts and data, design and compose exercises, work with others in a group, utilize numerical thoughts and strategies, tackle issues and use innovation. Inside a quality expressions program every one of these abilities is created thus, by inclusion in human expressions, youngsters, as tomorrow’s pioneers, are as a rule completely arranged for the serious and imaginative field of the universe of work. Self-Expression Through self-articulation in human expressions, kids learn center, self-control, development, innovativeness and enthusiastic articulation just as verbal and non-verbal relational abilities. They figure out how to utilize an assortment of media to communicate and convey utilizing multi-proficiency. They figure out how to utilize developments, images, visuals and sounds just as words to pass on significance. They figure out how to connect with their own sentiments and those of others. At the point when they make or watch a show-stopper they react inwardly, they like themselves, and they discover that there is something else entirely to life than what can be surveyed by quantitative measures. Results OF A QUALITY ART Program A quality expressions program is probably the best blessing an instructor can provide for their youngsters †don’t deny them of this valuable present in any way, shape or form. Works of art ought to be made from perception, memory and creative mind The student will build up a comprehension of craftsmanship as a methods for articulation thoughts, sentiments and goals. The student will increase a fundamental comprehension of the scope of visual expressions from the beginning of time and across numerous societies. The student will be acquainted with workmanship terms and ideas. The student will find out about a scope of world societies through the investigation of fine arts, their unique situations, purposes and social qualities. The student will create inclinations for some kind or style of craftsmanship. The will figure out how craftsmanship communicates social qualities and have the option to impact society as he/she will examine manners by which the visual expressions are affected by the settings of their creation, for example, mental components, political occasions, social qualities or change in innovation. The student will have the option to utilize wellsprings of revelation and research, for example, the library and web to look for explicit data about craftsmanship and craftsmen. QUESTION 3 DEFINE CREATIVITY: Creativity is a capacity to deliver something new through innovative aptitude, regardless of whether another answer for an issue, another strategy or gadget, or another imaginative items or structure. The term by and large alludes to an extravagance of thoughts and inventiveness of reasoning. Mental investigations of exceptionally innovative individuals have indicated that many have a solid enthusiasm for evident turmoil, logical inconsistency, and irregularity, which appear to be seen as difficulties. Such people may have an astoundingly profound, expansive, and adaptable consciousness of themselves. Studies likewise show that insight has little relationship with innovativeness; along these lines, a profoundly savvy individual may not be exceptionally inventive. Imagination is the capacity to produce inventive thoughts and show them from thought into the real world. The procedure includes unique reasoning and afterward creating. â€Å"Creativity is characterized as the inclination to produce or perceive thoughts, options, or conceivable outcomes that might be helpful in taking care of issues, speaking with others, and engaging ourselves as well as other people. ††Robert E. Franken, Human Motivation Characteristics of inventive/masterful individuals 1. delicate Being touchy helps innovativeness from various perspectives: a. it assists with consciousness of issues, known obscure b. it assists individuals with detecting things simpler c. it assists with making individuals mind and invest in difficulties or causes. 2. not spurred by cash As significant as cash is in many social orders or economies it's anything but a main thrust for an innovative individual. By and large they have an instinctive feeling of the measure of cash they fundamentally need and once that need is satisfied then cash quits influencing or driving them. 3. feeling of fate Intuitively inventive individuals realize that they have a reason, a predetermination or they understand that they can pick or make one to drive them to arrive at more noteworthy statures of aptitude, capacity, or ability. 4. versatile Without the capacity to adjust individuals couldn't get imaginative. Yet rather than adjust to something they decide to adjust things to suit them, their requirements or the objectives they are endeavoring towards. 5. open minded of equivocalness at least two things or thoughts being directly simultaneously challenges the thinking about an innovative individual. They love to be uncertain to challenge others and thoughts. Equivocalness encourages them see things from a wide range of points of view all simultaneously. 6. perceptive Creative individuals continually are utilizing their faculties: deliberately, sub-intentionally and unknowingly, even non-intentionally. 7. see world contrastingly Thoreau discussed individuals drumming to an alternate drum beat. Inventive individuals blossom with different methods of seeing: seeing, hearing, contacting, smelling, tasting, detecting things. These alternate points of view open up their psyches to boundless prospects. 8. see prospects Average individuals, individuals who don’t accept they are imaginative, individuals who are dreadful or impervious to innovativeness or inventive intuition like to work inside cutoff points with constrained prospects. Innovative individuals love to see many, even limitless prospects much of the time or difficulties. Question 2 Developing mindfulness through encounters Perceptual mindfulness implies the capacity to see, and furthermore the capacity to recollect in detail, the contemplations, recognitions, and emotions related with an encounter. These encounters must be disguised and identified with something that the student definitely knows to empower them to expand their casing of reference. Evoked sentiments or feelings can be found regarding physical, just as passionate, encounters. Building up a consciousness of the item through compassion with the article alludes to the learner’s capacity to relate to the article; sympathy now and then can be to such an extent that the student feels like he/she’s the item. The expressive substance of work of work is the inclination or feeling that a picture produces in the individuals who come into contact with it. Before an outwardly structure is broke down, the watcher encounters the expressive nature of the work. These non verbal prompts impart certain emotions before one endeavors to comprehend the formal visual language of a work of art. The manner by which we react to the expressive substance of a work is molded by our casing of reference, to be specific our past experience and desires. We react sincerely to specific structures or shading since we connects them with specific importance for us. This reaction is represented by our way of life, our customs, our casings of reference. Visual quality, in light of their natural connections, make certain condition of sentiments whenever saw inside the correct edge of reference. Given the correct kind of direction, students may figure out how to see and experience the characteristics found in works of art of the over a wide span of time and therefore advance the nature of their lives. Instructors must have the option to plan, guide and lead students to a perceptual mindfulness that a student would not have filed without anyone else. With the previously mentioned direction, students will turn out to be dynamically progressively mindful and have the option to decipher their own mindfulness by creating affectability and receptiveness to their general surroundings. Creating AWARENESS THOUGH VISUAL STIMULUS Developing perceptual mindfulness is a method of expanding one’s capacity to deal with visual data through faculties. Because of this data the student ought to have more
Friday, August 21, 2020
Disposable Car seat covers essays
Expendable Car seat covers papers Inside the logical strategy, there are 6 stages to follow. By following these means all together, you will bring about a fruitful analysis. At the point when an individual decides to examine a specific condition, you characterize a particular issue for the trial. This would happen to be the initial step of the Scientific technique, which is called Defining the issue. Figuring a theory in any case, is an informed estimate on how your trial's outcomes would appear. With defining a theory, you make a potential clarification of a watched set of realities, through thinking and mystery. To see if or not your speculation is remotely right or nothing close by any stretch of the imagination, you have to Test your theory. This would be step #3 of the logical strategy called, Testing your speculation experimentation. Until the investigation is tried, it just stays as a speculation. Each test needs perceptions, just as estimations, without these your analysis is only fragmented. Estimations are required alongside perceptions, to get the exact outcomes for the arrangement of realities in your theory. Without right outcomes you will be ensured to flop on the investigation. All estimations and realities must be obvious to work. They call this fourth step, the Observation and Measurements step. All methodology and materials utilized in tests, just as results must be recorded precisely and in full detail, too. This progression is called, Recording and revealing perceptions. You have to record the entirety of your methodology and results so as to be exceptionally sorted out in working out the issue. Subsequent to working out the specific issue, you go over the last advance of the logical strategy which is called, Theories. Speculations are Explanations that apply to a wide scope of conditions for which you are testing.They are more unpredictable and harder to build up than a theory. Keep in mind, a Hypothesis is an informed speculation. Speculations on the other... <!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tips For Writing a College Entrance Essay
Tips For Writing a College Entrance EssayCollege entrance essays are typically taken out by students applying to a number of colleges. Since the questions asked in college entrance essays should reflect students' thinking and ability, it is important to understand the two main kinds of essays: the analytic essay and the verbal essay. They represent the two different levels of writing - the kind that involves reasoning and analysis versus the kind that are more about emotion and description.Analytical essays are designed to provide information to the reader. Students can provide facts about themselves and their backgrounds to highlight their strengths and identify their weaknesses. One way to do this is to describe how the student has made and kept the connections between his interests and those of his classmates. The goal is to compare the level of communication that the students have when they are at home versus when they are attending school and vice versa.Verbal essays, on the oth er hand, are written to portray a specific group of people or a group of related written materials. They can be about relationships, or they can be about individuals or groups of people. They are usually composed of three to five sentences that contain several ideas in a very short space of time.Entrance essays usually begin with an introduction that describes the type of writing, how the student intends to use the essay, the audience for the essay, and whether the essay will be submitted as an original or a reprint. Once this introduction is finished, the essay may be divided into sections by describing who the main characters are, how their situations are relevant to the theme of the essay, and what is the purpose of the essay.Next, the essay should explain the main ideas of the essay and introduce the topic or topics that will be covered in the essay. These include things like the purpose of the essay, why it is needed, and how it will be delivered to the reader.There are many st eps in writing an entry essay. This includes developing and typing the essay, and editing the essay. It is important to remember to follow the style guide. However, as with any paper, students are encouraged to find their own style as long as it does not violate the principles of good academic writing.Of course, since there are two types of entries in an essay, students should keep the first one as their entry. Many students take the first one, but students who are in college need to be serious about writing quality essays because it is their future.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about clockwork orange - 1467 Words
â€Å"A man who cannot choose ceases to be a man.†â€â€Anthony Burgess nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Clockwork Orange is a novel about moral choice and free will. Alex’s story shows what happens when an individual’s right to choose is robbed for the good of society. The first and last chapters place Alex in more or less the same physical situation but his ability to exercise free will leads him to diametrically opposite choicesâ€â€good versus evil. The phrase, â€Å"what’s it going to be then, eh?,†echoes throughout the book; only at the end of the novel is the moral metamorphosis complete and Alex is finally able to answer the question, and by doing so affirms his freedom of choice. The capacity to choose freely is the attribute that distinguishes†¦show more content†¦The technique is a scientific experiment designed to take away moral choice from criminals. The technique conditions a person to feel intense pain and nausea whenever they have a violent thought. The key moral theme of A Clockwork Orange is articulat ed during a chat between the alcoholic prison chaplain and Alex two weeks before he enters treatment. He reflects on the moral questions raised by the treatment that will force Alex to be good. â€Å"Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed on him?†The government experiment fails to realize that good and evil come from within the self. The Ludovico Technique messes with Alex’s internal clockwork. He transforms into a being that is unable to distinguish good from evil. The altering of his personality makes him, â€Å"as decent a lad as you would meet on a May morning, unvicious, unviolent†¦inclined to the kindly word and helpful act,†but his actions are dictated only by self-interest to avoid the horrible sickness that comes along with evil thoughts. He has no real choice, â€Å"he ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature of moral choice.à ¢â‚¬ Being stripped of his free will, Alex is no longer a human he is the government’s toy. â€Å"Choosing to be deprived of the ability to make an ethical choice [does not mean] you have in a sense really chosen the good.†AlexShow MoreRelatedA Clockwork Orange1450 Words  | 6 PagesAnthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange is a dystopian novel set in an oppressive, futuristic state. Published in 1962, A Clockwork Orange is an extremely intense, graphic, and, at times, horrifying novel. A reader begins to question their own values as they become numb and desensitized to the violence at hand. Both behaviorism and free will is occurring throughout A Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange brings up a question, how much control of our own free will do we actually have? Do we reallyRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay: Blindness in A Clockwork Orange970 Words  | 4 PagesBlindness in A Clockwork Orange In the novel, A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess has tried to show the importance of individual freedom over doing the right thing. He has taken an extreme example of violence and perverse acts to accent his strong belief. It is my opinion that Burgess has been blinded to some essential truths in his quest to ensure personal freedom. Personal freedom can be described as acting upon your own accord and not becoming restricted by the social paradigm in which youRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay551 Words  | 3 Pages A Clockwork Orange Authors who write of other times and places help us to better understand our own lives. Discuss A Clockwork Orange in terms of that statement. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A â€Å"clockwork orange†can be described as something that has a convincing outer appearance yet in the inside is merely controlled by outer influences, such as a clock set in motion by its owner. In A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess takes us into the future where violent criminals are forced to be â€Å"goodRead MoreEssay on A Clockwork Orange916 Words  | 4 Pages I think that A Clockwork Orange is a book worth reading because it is relatable, makes you think, and is interesting. The author, Anthony Burgess, was born February 25, 1917. At the young age of two his mother passed away. He was brought up by his aunt and later his stepmother. Even with such an unstable childhood Burgess continued on to enroll in college and major in English. He had a passion for music, which he expressed in the main character of A Clockwork Orange. Burgess wrote several accomplishedRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay553 Words  | 3 PagesA Clockwork Orange We are first introduced to Alex (Malcolm McDowell) in the company of his posse, strangely sipping drugged milk in a freakish bar with anatomically indiscrete manikins serving as tittie-taps and tables. The ensuing scenes flash from Alex and his three droogs brutally beating an old man to a violent rape scene to a semi-chaotic gang-brawl. The story is of Alex and his love of the old ultra-violence, his act of murder, his betrayal and imprisonment, and his cure (twice). Read MoreA Clockwork Orange Analysis1497 Words  | 6 PagesOn the surface a Clockwork Orange written in 1962 by Anthony Burgess appears to be a protest novel criticising a totalitarian government’s prohibition of free will and censoring free speech. The Government in A Clockwork Orange appears extremely socialistic and it extends complete control over all its citizens, Burgess appears to abhors the lack of freedom in government-controlled societies and as a result despite Alex’s violent crimes Burgess paints the removal of free will through the LudovicoRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay612 Words  | 3 Pages A Clockwork Orange nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To leave out the final chapter of A Clockwork Orange is to change the entire meaning of the novel; as Burgess says in the introduction, his story is transformed into a fable. Without the last chapter the reader is left with a dark and pessimistic theme, that absolute good and evil exist in this world and it is possible for a man to be pure evil. Alex is conditioned and unconditioned, and in the end all indications point to a malicious life of crimeRead MoreAnthony Burgess and A Clockwork Orange987 Words  | 4 PagesImagine existing in a world run by sadistic and insane street gangs who reek havoc on innocent civilians, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Anthony Burgess created this world through his novel, A Clockwork Orange. Anthony Burgess was born in 1917 and died in 1963. A lot of social changes occurred during this period of time, such as: the roaring twenties, prohibition, the Great Depression, World War II, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and many more. Burgess not only lived through thoseRead MorePleasantville And A Clockwork Orange Essay1335 Words  | 6 Pages Pleasantville and A Clockwork orange are both films that have certain things that are abnormal. Pertaining to Pleasantville it begins in black and white and end to be in color because of being exposed of certain things. In a Clockwork Orange that is exposed with violence robbery is highly unusual because it is not something morally right to do. While analyzing both of these movies they both have certain distortions that can be covered that make their own individually, out of ordinary, a tad shockingRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay2139 Words  | 9 PagesA Clockwork Orange Eat this sweetish segment or spit it out. You are free.amp -Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess has been heralded as one of the greatest literary geniuses of the twentieth century. Although Burgess has over thirty works of published literature, his most famous is A Clockwork Orange. Burgess’s novel is a futuristic look at a Totalitarian government. The main character, Alex, is an amp;quot;ultra-violentamp;quot; thief who has no problem using force against innocent citizens
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Girls Are Better Than Boys free essay sample
Why girls are better than boys? It seems like girls have always been smarter than boys. Throughout the years girls have proven to excel with their brains. For example, a woman was the one to discover DNA instead of a boy. Girls are hard workers, mature individuals, and more aware than any boy has dreamed of being. Being hard working is just something most females are. They work hard to keep themselves organized. For example, my mom has always been the one to scold me for having an unorganized room, not my father. Girls are dedicated to getting their work done. The girls in my class have always done their homework and have had it ready by the time class starts, while majority of the boys are scrambling for answers at the last minute. Effort is also something girls have leaning towards them. A lot of girls will take ten minutes to do one problem just so they know they’ll get it right. We will write a custom essay sample on Girls Are Better Than Boys or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Maturity is another key factor girls have over boys. In the first place girls are more organized than boys, they will Bring all the equipment to class they keep their area of the room, table and also around them tidy while boys don’t really care what’s around them and who they sit with, they just want to talk and mess around, while girls take their class work really seriously and try everything they can to get good marks in school. Do you really think that girls would want to waste their time? Some boys just want to look good so they can have the nice looking girls but girls don’t like people that are un-organized, and don’t have an education. Meanwhile girls get their homework done on time while boys want to hang around and wait until the last moment. But that can be both ways depending on the way they work. Still I recommend that girls hand in the work on time. Second place girls always make sure they smell nice and look great before they leave the house that’s because They would not want to walk around looking like a snob that just jumped out of bed and threw everything together. They take their time to get prepared and do everything before they go to school or work. While boys on the other hand just jump out of bed don’t even smell what they were and sometimes maybe do but they don’t bother changing it the just grab lynx or deodorant and spray a lot of it to get rid of the Bo. They don’t bother checking what their hair looks like they just grab their bag and lunch and walk out. Meanwhile girls get up like 5 minutes before boys do and get prepared so by the time they have to go to school they are prepared. Yet again, for the twentieth consecutive year, girls have outperformed boys in both major sets of exam results, achieving 8. 3% of their A levels at A* grade (compared to 7. 9% for boys). Well in my opinion girls smell way better than boys do for example: when my brother wakes up in the morning he smells like a guy that’s never had a shower for ten days. Lastly girls are said to be very well prepared for what the day throws at them by Taking everything and using it so they can help everyone around them. Girls have better listening skills. Boys can hear stuff but as it is being heard it goes out the other because they are not focused on what is being said their focused on other things like for example: my mum asked my dad to go shopping one day and she said here’s a list of things I want you to get but she forgot to write one or two items so she told him this is not on the list remember it nappy’s and tissues.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Mikhail Gorbachev Essays - Drinking Culture, Alcohol, Drug Culture
Mikhail Gorbachev One of the most dramatic and revolutionary changes in Russian history is the restriction of the consumption of alcohol. Mikhail Gorbachev instituted his anti-alcohol campaign on May 16, 1985 in order to decrease alcohol consumption by Soviet citizens and instead teach them the rewards of moderation. Some such rewards were a better life at home with their families, more advancement in their jobs, and better overall health. Although Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign was effective in generating some positive changes, it eventually failed, causing resentment toward the leadership, worsening health issues, creating illegal alcohol production markets, and increasing the budget deficit. When Gorbachev was fifteen, he went out one day with his father and his harvesting team. The mechanics decided that it would be funny to play a joke on the young boy. They gave him a drink of pure alcohol, and told him that it was vodka. He drank it, and it utterly disgusted him. This was an important lesson to him. It made him not like alcohol, therefore making him want others to stay away from it. This could have saved his nation. Gorbachev noted, "After that experience I have never felt any pleasure in drinking vodka or spirits" (Gorbachev 37). That is important because if he had liked alcohol, there most likely never would have been any anti-alcohol campaign. "Temperance was the rule in the Gorbachev household on holidays, the men might take one shot glass of vodka or cognac in celebration, no more" (Smith 38). The Gorbachev family is an example of how alcohol should have been used in Russia. They drank in moderation, as opposed to others who drank simply to get drunk and were unable to control themselves while drinking. Gorbachev wanted others to be able to drink as they did, and he tried to set a good example in order to get his point across. However, his plans didn't work out as he had suspected. "Gorbachev saw alcoholism as an offense to the Soviet ideal and a symptom of weak personal morals rather than a failing of the Soviet order" (Galeotti 58). He thought that people should be able to control themselves while drinking, and if they didn't it was their own fault. It is not unusual that he would initiate, as one of his first priorities after taking power in March 1985, an anti-alcohol campaign. Alcohol had always been a large part in a Russian's life. "The Russians have always drunk vodka," former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev once said. "They can't get by without it" (Sudo 14). Drunkenness had been a plague in Russia since the Middle Ages; that is no secret. However, for years the communist leadership refused to acknowledge the fact that alcohol abuse posed any problems. Periodically, in pre-revolutionary times and even during the first years of Soviet power, the authorities initiated missions against alcoholism, none of which resulted in success. By the time Gorbachev got to power, the drinking problem was very much out of hand in Russia. "Until Gorbachev clamped down on the consumption of alcohol in June 1985, the Soviets were literally drinking themselves to death" (Naylor 194). Alcohol was putting a profound strain on society. Consumption had skyrocketed during the Brezhnev era. This is especially significant considering it was already considerably high at the beginning of his era. In 1984, state revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages reached fifty-three billion rubles, four times what it had been twenty years before. The alcohol issue became disastrous. "Nearly one hundred and sixty-three million out of a population of two hundred and eighty million drink regularly; as many as twenty million are alcoholics" (Sudo 14). With that many people in a society having problems with alcohol, obviously something had to be done. The annual loss to the economy from drunkenness was an estimated eighty to one hundred billion rubles. Alcoholism was the third most common ailment, after heart disease and cancer. The life expectancy of men was declining. Infant mortality rates were rising. Health of present and future generations was being corrupted. "It was also responsible for most marriage breakups" (Morris 48). Wives had become desperate trying to save their marriages, with their husbands practically drinking themselves to death. Crime, corruption, and cynicism were all increasing. Drunk drivers were responsible for fourteen thousand traffic deaths per year. "Alcoholism was probably the largest single cause of a stunning increase in the Soviet Union's crude death rate" (Kaiser 101). In 1964, there were about seven deaths per one thousand citizens. This statistic grew to almost eleven deaths per one thousand citizens in
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Raoults Law Example Problem - Vapor Pressure Change
Raoult's Law Example Problem - Vapor Pressure Change This example problem demonstrates how to use Raoults Law to calculate the change in vapor pressure by adding a strong electrolyte to a solvent. Raoults Law relates the vapor pressure of a solution on the mole fraction of the solute added to a chemical solution. Vapor Pressure Problem What is the change in vapor pressure when 52.9 g of CuCl2 is added to 800 mL of H2O at 52.0 Â °C.The vapor pressure of pure H 2O at 52.0 Â °C is 102.1 torrThe density of H2O at 52.0 Â °C is 0.987 g/mL. Solution Using Raoult's Law Raoults Law can be used to express the vapor pressure relationships of solutions containing both volatile and nonvolatile solvents. Raoults Law is expressed byPsolution ÃŽ §solventP0solvent wherePsolution is the vapor pressure of the solutionÃŽ §solvent is mole fraction of the solventP0solvent is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent Step 1 Determine the mole fraction of solutionCuCl2 is a strong electrolyte. It will completely dissociate into ions in water by the reaction:CuCl2(s) → Cu2(aq) 2 Cl-This means we will have 3 moles of solute added for every mole of CuCl2 added.From the periodic table:Cu 63.55 g/molCl 35.45 g/molmolar weight of CuCl2 63.55 2(35.45) g/molmolar weight of CuCl2 63.55 70.9 g/molmolar weight of CuCl2 134.45 g/molmoles of CuCl2 52.9 g x 1 mol/134.45 gmoles of CuCl2 0.39 molTotal moles of solute 3 x (0.39 mol)Total moles of solute 1.18 molmolar weightwater 2(1)16 g/molmolar weightwater 18 g/moldensitywater masswater/volumewatermasswater densitywater x volumewatermasswater 0.987 g/mL x 800 mLmasswater 789.6 gmoleswater 789.6 g x 1 mol/18 gmoleswater 43.87 molÃŽ §solution nwater/(nwater nsolute)ÃŽ §solution 43.87/(43.87 1.18)ÃŽ §solution 43.87/45.08ÃŽ §solution 0.97 ï » ¿Step 2 Find the vapor pressure of the solutionPsolution ÃŽ §solventP0solventPsolution 0.97 x 102.1 torrPsolution 99.0 torr ï » ¿Step 3 Find the change in vapor pressureChange in pressure is Pfinal - POChange 99.0 torr - 102.1 torrchange -3.1 torr Answer The vapor pressure of the water is reduced by 3.1 torr with the addition of the CuCl2.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
An Education Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
An Education Film - Essay Example The film explicitly captures all these aspects in an intelligent manner. The man in the film is seen as to be a man who knows what he wants in his life and he has it all figured out. In his life, the con man has a wife but is still willing to seduce and charm the young girl. The man goes into hiding when Jenny confronts him of having a wife since he is not willing to leave his family for Jenny. The woman on the other is seen as having to depend on somebody for advice on what choices to make, and she is willing to do anything told to them by other people. Women especially the young are viewed as naive and incapable of making their decisions. The girl in the movie is seen as very indecisive. Jenny is emotionally manipulated and confused by a man whom she knows is way older than her, but she still falls for his charms. Jenny ends up leaving school due to the advice of the man with the promise of marriage, but it all ends badly for her. The older woman in the film like her teacher who gets Jennys life into the track is more decisive and acts as an excellent g uide to Jenny. whose imagination? Projection? Sponsored? Targeted audience? Did whats desired effect? Truth? Ethical code? Belief system? If you can find interviews with director, writer, actors, please do. You may read what other critics had to say and include it. The film is based on Granta magazine the was written by Lynn Barber and adapted by Novelist Nick Hornby. The film is best suited for the young girl-child in the society who are coming of age and are still naive. The film gives a resounding advice to all people in terms of what paths to take and what decision to make in life. The consequences realized by both Jenny and David are a worthy lesson for anyone in the modern society. The film tries to instill an approach of independence and good personal decision making into the society.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The Creativity of an Artist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Creativity of an Artist - Essay Example Driving the phenomenological aspects as the main core in the creativity of music, the analysis puts into perspective philosophical and psychological elements including the nature of auditory reflection and the expressiveness of music as well. Elements that make music a creative industry and factored by James Aconley include rhythm is the primary and most essential component of musical experience. It covers among others melody, rhythm, and harmony. Reflective experience contains the enabling structure for facilitating musical rhythm. The relevance of musical hearing does not rely on specific types of focus in the auditory experience. In this context, putting much emphasis on the perceptual character of musical experience is against the basic principle that musical experience is a product of creative imagination. James Aconley is both a singer and a performer. He implores much creativity to juggle between the two related but different fields. It is not easy to copy singing because it e ntails composing and passing a specific message to the audience. To succeed, James uses a lot of information from compiled from various perspectives. He sings in many parts of the country and in many events and venues in the United Kingdom. Such venues include many theatres, restaurants and hotels, The CAA in London, parties and weddings, anniversary celebrations, as well as many other functions (Langer, 1953, 33).
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Peace order in country Essay Example for Free
Peace order in country Essay There are three types of peace orders: Interim peace orders. If you wish to file for a peace order but the district court clerk’s office is closed, you can file for an interim order by going to the nearest District Court commissioner. If the commissioner believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue an interim peace order.* An interim peace order goes into effect once the respondent is served by a law enforcement officer. *1 The interim peace order lasts until a judge holds a temporary peace order hearing or until the end of the second business day that the court clerk’s office is open after the interim peace order is issued, whichever comes sooner. If the court is closed on the day on which the interim peace order is due to expire, the interim peace order will be effective until the next day on which the court is open, at which time the court shall hold a temporary peace order hearing.*2 The interim peace order has to include the date for the temporary peace order hearing, and a tentative date for the final peace order hearing.*3 Note: Even if you are denied an interim peace order, you can still apply for a temporary or final peace order.*4 Temporary peace orders. When you go to court during normal court hours to file for a final peace order, you can ask for a temporary peace order, which can be issued the same day. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a temporary peace order. This order can be issued with or without the abuser present.*5 The order is effective when it is served.*6 The temporary order is in effect for up to 7 days after service of the order unless the court is closed on the day on which the temporary peace order is due to expire. In that case, the temporary peace order shall be effective until the second day on which the court is open, by which time the court should hold a final peace order hearing. However, the judge may extend the temporary order to allow for service of the order or for another good reason, but not to more than 30 days.*7 Note: If the respondent is at the hearing, the judge may go ahead and hold a hearing for a final peace order instead of a temporary one if you and the respondent agree to this.*8 Final peace orders. The respondent has the opportunity to be present at the final peace order hearing. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a final peace order, which can last for up to 6 months.*9 As of October 2011, peace orders can be extended.*10 See Can I modify, cancel or extend my peace order? for more information.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Media’s Influence on Adolescent Body Image Essay -- Adolescent Behavio
Today’s society is a consumers’ society in which trying to obtain perfection is one of the fastest selling businesses (DeLaMater Pg. 12). Mass media, advertising, and fashion industries are being accused of feeding off females dissatisfaction with their bodies by portraying unhealthy thin role models in order to sell their products. This unachievable physique and lifestyle has led today’s adolescence down a dark path of such extreme eating disorders as anorexia and bulimia. Although it may sound nice to be societies perception of thin, there are consequences to these eating disorders such as cardiac failure that lead to horrifying defects or even death. In the 1950s, models such as Marilyn Monroe or Zhazha Gabor didn’t suffer from a lack of beauty due to a voluptuous figure. Then starting in 1960’s the ideal body has become more slim and slender. Twiggy had become a singer, actress, and a fashion icon during the 1960’s when she became the face of the fashion industry. Twiggy began to starve herself in order to become more â€Å"beautiful†. In addition to having such an influence on fashion, â€Å"Twiggy [had] also changed the way that women thought about their [own] bodies,†(Rosenzweig et al. Pg.62). Women of the 1960s and today have struggled to attain this slender body such as Twiggy's, sometimes going to extreme lengths to do so. Although some of these role models might actually obtain these thin bodies through strenuous workouts and healthy diets, there are a huge number of them, such as Twiggy, that obtained them through extreme dieting. Frightened and inspired by these role models, overweigh t and even teenagers that are healthy according to their BMI (Body Mass Index) continue with strict dieting and exercise regimens. An Article... ...en death associated with eating disorders." Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research 7.1 (2010): 1. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. Mehler, Philip S., and Mori Krantz. "Anorexia Nervosa Medical Issues." Journal of Women's Health (15409996) 12.4 (2003): 331. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. (331-340) Morris, Anne, Katzman Debra. â€Å"The Impact of the Media on Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents.†Paediatrics & Child Health (2003) 287-289. Pulsis Group Inc. Web. 18 March 2011. Rosenzweig, Marianne, and Jean Spruill. "Twenty Years After Twiggy: A Retrospective Investigation of Bulimic-Like Behaviors." International Journal of Eating Disorders 6.1 (1987): 59-65. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. Winston, A. P., and P. J. Stafford. "Cardiovascular effects of anorexia nervosa." European Eating Disorders Review 8.2 (2000): 117-125. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Movies and Television Shows Should Include Better Role Models for Their Audiences Essay
I’m sure it has happened plenty of times. When you finish watching a movie and afterwards feel so inspired. This is often when the movie hero was presented as someone we would like to be or has a personality that we admire. Sometimes it can be other characters that are shown to be â€Å"cool†, attractive, and popular that also inspires us to mimic their personality traits. Movies can also prompt us to try certain activities. Of course this can be seen as the beneficial side of media; the fact that there could be that one movie that has the power to influence someone to become a better person. But like almost everything, there’s a downside to it too. The fact that media can be convincing in positive ways suggests that it can equally convey negative messages as well. The way that movies or television shows portray their characters is something that definitely needs to be paid attention to. The rebellious heroes, senseless social statuses, and unhealthy activities characters engage in are all factors that will influence the audience. Therefore it is important to consider whether it is worth presenting the characters in this way. A large majority of movies are presenting their characters as bad people, yet the people that anyone would find themselves wanting to be. I believe that is wrong, thus movies and TV shows should include better role models for their audiences. Current movies portray violence without consequence, inaccurate representations of social statuses and social interaction, and encourage characters to engage in activities with more harm than good. Many of the heroes in movies happen to be quite rebellious and are often involved in violence. It’s usually the fact that they’re so involved in violence that helps them obtain their cool, heroic status. The characters we see as role models are always showing that violence can be used as a quick fix for conflicts to avoid negative consequences. K. A. Earles states, â€Å"This depiction of violence increases the probability that violence will be one of the first strategies chosen by a child. †Bandura, a professor in psychology at Stanford University demonstrated that preschoolers learn aggressive behavior by watching television. Three groups of children were shown a film n which a man commands a human-sized doll to move, and when it did not he hit the doll with his fists, a mallet, and then rubber balls. In other words, he used violence as an immediate strategy. Group one saw the man rewarded. Group two saw the episode end without reward or punishment. Group three saw the actor receive a verbal lecture. After watching the film, the children in groups one a nd two were seen to behave more aggressively than the ones in group three. This proves that the consequences characters find themselves facing has quite a strong impact on how the audience will act. What encourages violence even more is that it is often carried out by the hero in the story line who is then rewarded for his/her endorsement in violence. â€Å"Such constant exposure to portrayals of physical violence, some of which viewers do not even recognize as violent, may dull a child’s aversion to this behavior. †says K. A. Earles. Reenactments of national worldwide disasters such as terrorism scenes or brutal wars are one thing. But for a fictional superhero to battle and beat his â€Å"enemies†with realistic and bloody dramatizations is not a good way to entertain kids. There aren’t many positive or useful characteristics of the role model heroes for the children to gain besides their â€Å"charismatic†and â€Å"brave†personalities but they express these lovely character traits through violence. They care for the ones who are in danger so they save them with violence. As they stand up to their enemy and begin to battle them they show out their bravery. These heroes are showing young boys that if you are not strong enough, not brave enough to endorse in a physical fight then you are not capable to be someone as amazing and powerful as they are. Physical strength is spotlighted while intellectual strength is forgotten. Sharon Lamb, a professor of mental health at University of Massachusetts-Boston surveyed 674 boys aged 4 to 18 to analyze marketing trends for action figures and movies. This resulted in violence, emotional aloofness, and general hyper-masculinity being the main messages directors of these movies are promoting to young boys. This shows us that there aren’t many useful or healthy things these movies are promoting to their audiences. This only leads me to conclude that directors need to think over the way they are presenting their heroes. Violence is not the only existing strategy. As well as action movies, there are the modern teenage soap operas. I’ve noticed that these programs have a distorted portrayal of the theoretically existing teenage social statuses. There are always the good people and the bad people, the â€Å"cool†people and the â€Å"lame†ones. Although most television programs are to entertain, having a message or lesson for the audience to gain is also important. As mentioned earlier, the way the characters are portrayed is very significant to the audience since they are what influence the audience. There are the more obvious heroes which are the supermen in action movies but the less spotlighted ones in calmer, closer-to-reality programs. In these kinds of films, the â€Å"hero†would be a character the audience finds themselves admiring and looking up to. This depends on the way the characters in the film are presented. A person who our society would admire and want to be has very precise but general character traits; a confident, rich, bossy girl who has an attractive appearance and good leadership skills. It’s practically the same for boys. Society’s image of a picture perfect female or male is neglecting the many other personality traits of a human being that makes them a good and interesting person. Movies present the â€Å"popular guy†typically as someone who is necessarily good at sports for instance, and send the message to younger boys that if they are not good at sports they can’t expect to be at the top of the theoretical social scale regardless of other good qualities they can have. The same goes for girls. These films portray the â€Å"popular†girls as girls who are very narrowed down in their interests. Female adolescents are portrayed as being obsessed with their appearance. †Smart people are shown to be socially unaccepted. â€Å"Intellects are frequently viewed as social misfits. †These movies are encouraging and strengthening society’s distorted image of who the â€Å"popular†kids should be and contribute to a very inaccurate picture of what social interaction and social status is built on in reality. Young girls or boys may start to think that if they are not what the â€Å"cool kids†are presented as in movies, then they will not be successful or liked. This is definitely not the kind of message that should be sent to the younger generations. Lastly, quite a few of the activities characters in movies or TV shows engage in are not healthy and do not set good examples for young teens. The usage of alcohol and drugs is always by the cool, popular kids who will then convince the kids and teens a part of their audience to try them at one point. â€Å"Social Learning Theory suggests that children learn by watching, imitating, and assimilating. †This only proves that the majority of the children that are exposed to media that is practically encouraging alcohol and drug usage will most likely try it in attempt to imitate their role models. Movies propel the idea of these bad habits being â€Å"cool†. With teenagers picking up their first cigarette as early as 14 years of age, evidently there’s a problem. As many parents and adults may have noticed, kids/teens are beginning to have a distorted idea of what sex is all about and media may be the main cause for their way of thinking. Many movies and shows portray it as a normal thing to indulge in, therefore teens are enacting what they see from the media and often end up being pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. A study was done on 75 girls in which half were pregnant. It was found that the pregnant girls watched more soap operas than the non-pregnant girls and were found more surprised when told that their favorite soap opera characters used any sex protection. According to the National Survey of Children, males who watched more television were found to be more sexually active than the ones who watched less television. â€Å"Television may be a significant contributor to the sexual practices and attitudes of young people. †All of these things may be a part of a movie to show what it’s like out there but there must be some sort of proof of it being a bad thing to no give out the wrong message. Having characters in movies continuously smoking cigarettes and never even considering the consequences of having sex may influence kids in a completely wrong way. All of these reasons strongly suggest that the role models portrayed in movies and television shows can influence the younger audiences in negative ways. If teenagers are continuously exposed to such behaviors their minds will adjust to thinking in a certain way and no matter how hard their loved ones will afterwards try to convince them that these activities are wrong, that these behaviors are wrong, they will not be capable of changing their minds. Dear parents, are you okay with your 14 year old daughter already indulging in sexual activity, and your 15 year old son reacting violently and aggressively to any confrontations? Dear world, do you believe it’s acceptable for young girls to stress about their appearance and feel bad about themselves simply because of the way they look? For boys to believe that sports are what they are bound to engage in to be liked? Directors of movies should start to think how to get society to think differently, rather than encourage its shallow beliefs. Fighting scenes should not be the only entertaining scenes for kids. More creative ways of how to entertain children in a positive way could be thought of. The modern teenage popular kids should all have different interests and be liked for who they are and not what they look like. Pathetic assumptions and senseless social statuses in general should be presented in a brighter way in programs. Unhealthy activities should be portrayed as the bad things to do rather than the â€Å"cool†things. Kids will follow their role models, and if they’re role models are doing good things, it’s likely they will too.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Criminal Profiling Real Science of Just Wishful Thinking...
Criminal profiling is an investigative technique used by many law enforcement agencies notably the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the analysis of elusive criminals through studying their criminal profiles. Profiling is usually done on basis of the type and nature of crime. Usually studies are conducted as to the offenders whereabouts and occupation before, during and after a particular crime was committed. After this, evidence is then combined against the different types of personalities and a fitting description of the criminal is able to be formulated. However, it is important to note that in any criminal profiling attempt, the criminal psychological mind must be described fully by their actions during and after the crime. For†¦show more content†¦If asked the same question, I would perhaps reply by insinuating that while it may actually be luck profiling really helps in the narrowing down of the list of possible offenders and thus in my opinion it is quite effec tive. The purpose of this paper is thus to analyze in detail, whether or not criminal profiling is beneficial or is it just real science of wishful thinking? How effective is Criminal Profiling in the Solving of Crimes? Many critics of criminal profiling presume that criminal profiles are usually too big to create the desired picture and that it takes a little more than common sense to successfully profile a criminal. If we are to acknowledge that profiling is a science, then it is only so because psychology as a science comes into focus in the solving of crimes. It is and has been proven possible, that the psychological study of people helps in the determination of their behavioral dispositions accurately. Going from this statement, it is thus of importance to realize the fact that criminal profiling is a major asset to many law enforcement agencies as some crimes are just not ordinary, and require specific studies into their nature for a proper profile to be acquired. It should be noted that normal police investigations depend largely on the criminal’s motif. So what happens if there is no motifShow MoreRelatedCrimnal Profiling, Science or Not?1847 Words  | 8 Pagesin â€Å"Criminal Profiling: Science or Not†Jennifer Dean Forensic Psychology Tcherni November 2012 The FBI officially began criminal profiling in 1970; the profiling program was introduced by Howard Teton. However, this is not where criminal profiling began. The first verified introductions to profiling were demonization of the Jews, witches and puritans; some dating back to 1144. (Turvey 2011) Criminal profiling is the tool of investigation used by skilled law enforcement professionals
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